Timeclock Reprogram

Reprogramming your IT1600 with a Y26 Hex

POLL the clock first if you are reprogramming your clock **BE SURE THAT NOBODY PUNCHES IN OR OUT AT THE CLOCK** You will not be able to get anything from the clock until you reprogram it.

This procedure will delete everything out of the clock, which means that there will be nothing left in the clock. Please follow these instructions carefully, and read them over before doing anything. If you have any questions please call (319) 386-9393. Do not do anything on this paper with out calling us first!!!!!


1. Swipe the System Enable Badge Clock will show: FWD/BACK/ENTER


(Or unplug the clock and plug it back in and press 1 9 CLR 0 5 Will do the same thing)

  1. Press F3 (Left Arrow) until you see TEST then press the F2 (Down Arrow)

  2. Press 4 8 6 then press the F2 (Down Arrow)

  3. Wait until you see the display show =0 or =01

  4. Press the F1 (Up Arrow) until you see UNIT STATUS 1 and the TIME (everything in the clock is gone at this point, as of step #3)

6. Swipe the System Enable Badge Clock will show: FWD/BACK/ENTER


(Or unplug the clock and plug it back in and press 1 9 CLR 0 5 Will do the same thing )

7. Press F4 (Right Arrow) Clock will show: FWD/BACK/ENTER


8. Press F2 (Down Arrow) twice Clock will show: INSTALL UNIT


  1. Enter in Clock Number 01 (or 02, 03, 04…this number is the clock number)

  2. Press F1 (Up Arrow) Clock will show: INSTALL


  1. Press F4 (Right Arrow) Clock will show: INSTALL


  1. Press F2 (Down Arrow) Clock will show: INSTALL COM1


  1. Press CLR 9 (will show96)

  2. Press F4 (Right Arrow) until you see LENGTH

  3. Press CLR 7

  4. Press F4 (Right Arrow) until you see PARITY

  5. Press CLR 2

  6. Press F4 (Right Arrow) until you see STOP

  7. Press CLR1

  8. Press F1 (Up Arrow) three times, until you see UNIT STATUS 1 and the TIME

  9. Go to the P.C. Log into Attendance for Windows and go to the task list.

  10. Add a new task to Reprogram Station.

  11. Be sure to uncheck all stations and check single station and pick the station your reprogramming.

  12. Double click on that task to reprogram station.

  13. You want to find the Hex file of Y26.Hex, it may be in C:\ATTNDNCE\Y26.HEX (or Y25.hex)

  14. Click OK. Wait until this is finished.

  15. Go back to the clock and swipe the System Enable badge.

  16. Press the Right arrow once

  17. Press the Down arrow once

  18. Press the Left arrow once

  19. Press the down arrow once on PROGRAM

  20. Arrow Right through the program.

  21. Stop at F1 KEY USAGE Here are the codes place them in the appropriate places: F1 KEYUSAGE 1=PIN Entry, F2 KEYUSAGE 2=Review Hours, F3 KEYUSAGE 11=Department Transfers. Press the right arrow.

  22. Stop at PIN SIZE = 5 (press CLR5) Press the right arrow

  23. Stop at SET BADGE? Press 1 then the right arrow

  24. STRT POS press CLR 0 Press Right Arrow To LNGTH Press CLR 9 and press Right arrow

  25. Press Right arrow 4 times until clock displays INSTALL PROGRAM OK

  26. Press the Up arrow key until the current date and time show.

  27. THE END if you have any questions please give your Service Representative a call at (319) 386-9393

Your Service Rep is _____________________


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Date added:
2013-02-27 11:33:07
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