SOP: Faro Quick Complete
SOP: Faro Quick Complete
Procedure to configure the Accellos environment to Quick complete labels and tote assignments
In the Accellos Aowdata SQL Table setup the allow Quick completion of labels
Insert a record into the config table
This allows the label to auto print
Open the client table and check for a configuration number for Qc_tote_counter
The Qc_tote_counter is split into two parts XXYYYYYY
XX = the seed number
YYYYYYY is the next number to use
We see in this example that INT has never utilized the option so it has just XX as it’s beginning number.
MSY has a seed value of 31 and has used 3644743 labels to date.
We must be vigilant and watch it doesn’t exceed the 999999 with stack overflow
The pickhead.cust_ctype is the label to print and if not blank on the packslip will generate a label.